19 November, 2020
KATE Innovations launches Data Management Service
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KATE Data Management Service
Drives trust into your data
With the KATE Data Management Service, KATE launches a new solution that enables organizations to increase trust in the data environment based on insight and control. The new service offers the possibility to structure, combine, assess and compare internal and external data. This provides insight into current data quality and the steps to be taken towards high-quality business-ready data. It also offers the possibility to make data available to other departments within the organization in a controlled and secure manner. This means that the entire organization always works with the most up-to-date available data.
The service is the next step for KATE Innovations to provide other departments of real estate advisers and banks with better insight and control over data in addition to the existing valuation platform. KATE’s Data Management Service is a standalone product within the KATE Innovations portfolio.
The service has various features such as the Compview, in which data is displayed geographically. The platform also has a Transaction Rating Model, which qualifies the completeness of the available data. In addition, the platform offers the possibility to make connections with external data sources.
Erik Schlooz, Managing Director of KATE Innovations: “With the KATE Data Management Service we enable organizations to gain a good picture of the current quality level of transaction data and to actively manage it. The importance of complete and validated data is increasing. Organizations that now focus on data quality are the front runners of the future.”
Organizations must be able to demonstrate better why their data is the best data, with the Data Management Service it becomes more transparent.