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Appraisal Distribution System

The Appraisal Distribution System provides a smart, efficient and objective way to bring appraisal partners and customers together. The Appraisal Distribution System is the perfect tool for management of appraisal assignments. With this next-generation system, KATE offers an improved appraisal distribution experience. Bring all parties together on one platform!

  • Streamline communication: share real-time information without switching between systems and platforms.
  • Simplify processes and share information securely and quickly on a single platform.
  • Avoid miscommunication and delays due to manual processes or problems at the collaboration with business partners.

Simplified processes and share important information securely and quickly on one platform




Objective and reliable selection of appraisers

Select the best appraiser and get better results

  • Find the most qualified appraiser for your project quickly and easily
  • Better results with the most appropriate appraiser for the right task
  • Ensures an unbiased appraiser selection process

Highly automated and efficient process

Improve the accuracy of your output

  • Ensure accuracy at every step of the process
  • Reduce costs and spend less time on manual processes
  • Rely on the process and get peace of mind

Insights and sound results

Gain valuable insights and make sound decisions

  • Make data-driven decisions faster
  • Obtain insight into and understanding of your business and market
  • Achieve sound results with data-driven strategies