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Our valuation software

We love valuers with ambition! And they love our products.

Our team has years of review experience and we talk a lot with the reviewers who use our products. We use these insights to continuously improve our products and ensure that our innovations directly benefit our customers.

KATE software solutions

Appraisal software

KATE’s appraisal software is the software solution for appraisers with ambition. This comprehensive system automates administrative tasks and thus maximises efficiency.

Accelerated reporting

Automated computations

Fully Customer specific configuration

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Data Management System

The Data Management System of KATE Innovations is the perfect tool for transaction management.

Central database for all transactions

Join the forces of research department and appraisers

Optimise the workflow for recording transactions

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Appraisal Distribution System

The Appraisal Distribution System of KATE Innovations is the perfect tool for management of appraisal assignments.

Objective and reliable selection of appraisers

Highly automated and efficient process

Insights and sound results

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